
The history of water supply: From the Pisistratio Aqueduct in Marathon to the new threat of water scarcity

The issue of water-logging that experts say our country is facing due to prolonged drought has led the relevant agencies to mobilize. The problem of water scarcity is of course a headache for EYDAP which has to take care of the water supply of a large part of the basin and especially the capital and the surrounding municipalities.

Measures to tackle Attica water shortage

Measures were announced on Tuesday to tackle future water shortages in Attica as the reservoirs of the Evinos and Mornos rivers are at historically low levels. More specifically, Attica will have enough water for four years if the drought of the last two years continues, according to announcement by the Environment Ministry and the state water company (EYDAP).

Danger of water shortage in Attica – The level of the lake of Mornos is falling, the sunken village of Kallio was revealed

Scientists are concerned about the situation that seems to be consolidating in Greece – and especially in Attica – regarding water reserves, which are at dangerously low levels.

Scientific Community Rings the Alarm Bell on Water Scarcity in Certain Regions of the Country

The scientific community is sounding the alarm over the water scarcity alert that has been sounded in many parts of the country. A total of 14 municipalities in the country have been declared a state of emergency by the General Secretariat of Civil Protection.

Οn the slopes of the Vardousia mountains (PHOTOS)

Fokida, situated only a few hours away from Athens, constitutes an exceptionally gifted, rough and at the same time warm and hospitable land. Such unprecedented and unspoiled natural beauty is generously encountered throughout the whole region not only at mounts Giona, Vardousia and Oiti, but also at Mornos lake and at its gorgeous beaches!