Musical instrument

Turkish luthier revives 800 rare musical instruments

An instrument crafter in Turkish metropolis Istanbul has revived nearly 800 musical instruments that were about to be forgotten over nearly last three decades.

Feridun Obul, a primary school graduate, told Anadolu Agency that he quit fixing roofs after he was impressed with music when he attended a concert 34 years ago.

Two Strings | Athens | October 22

St Paul's Anglican Church presents "Sounds - Two Strings Combinations," featuring Eleni Papadopoulou on violin and Isidoros Sideris on the cello, on Sunday, October 22. The concert is designed to showcase how the combination of the two instruments produces sounds that "unite" and "divide," creating the sensation of a multi-handed instrument. Starts at 8.30 p.m. and admission costs 12 euros.