News leaks

Panama Papers Reveal Offshore Accounts of Balkan Figures

Media outlets all over the Balkans are scanning the leaked data from Mossack Fonseca to find out which of their own nationals are named in the 11.5 million files.

The documents from the fourth largest law firm in the world, known as the Panama Papers, show the many ways in which rich people around the world have exploited secretive offshore tax regimes and tax havens.

Panama Papers: 2.5 terabytes of data leaked

11.5 million documents and 2.6 terabytes of information have been leaked from of one of the largest law firms in Panama revealing how the rich launder money.

The disclosure of the documents and data from the offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca is one of the biggest leaks in history, bigger than WikiLeaks and Snowden's revelations.

Papadimoulis calls for fast and successful review of Greek program in letter to Martin Schulz

In the wake of the wikileaks IMF scandal, Vice President of the European Parliament Dimitrios Papadimoulis sent a letter to the body’s President Martin Schulz, all the EP political group leaders, except Marine Le Pen’s group, and the task force assigned with overseeing the Greek economic program calling for a clear stance against attempts to undermine the implementation of the reform

Japan calls US spying allegations 'deeply regrettable'

Tokyo on August 3 described claims that Washington spied on Japanese politicians and major firms as "deeply regrettable", in its first official response to revelations from whistleblower group WikiLeaks.

"I will withhold comment. But If this is true, as an ally, it's deeply regrettable," the government's top spokesman Yoshihide Suga told a regular press briefing.    
