News leaks

Assange says Russia has "nothing to do" with Clinton emails

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has denied Russia's involvement in the publishing of the emails belonging to U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything," Assange told John Pilger in an exclusive interview for RT, to be broadcast on Saturday, and added:

WikiLeaks: White House asked Bill Clinton to advise Tsipras to sign bailout last year

According to email correspondence revealed by WikiLeaks, the White House asked Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff, John Podesta, to inquire whether the former US president would be willing to intervene following the Greek referendum in July last year with the aim of getting Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to agree on a new bailout agreement with the country's partners and creditors. 

Wikileaks Julian Assange revelations against Hillary Clinton (video stream)

Wikileaks is celebrating its tenth anniversary as its founder Julian Assange threatens to release damaging information which could destroy Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The organisation, which claims to have released 10 million secret documents and has a further 10 million it is preparing to publish. Wikileaks said they would have ‘a celebration’ over the next ten weeks, according to

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton wanted to kill Julian Assange

BELGRADE - Candidate for the President of the United States Hillary Clinton demanded, when she was the Secretary of State, organization of drone attack on Julian Assange, according to documents published by Wikileaks.

According to "True Pandit", conveyed by Wikileaks, Clinton was under pressure to "silence" Assange after the publication of confidential diplomatic information.

Panama Papers: First 'Politically Exposed' Bulgarian Name Emerges

Bilyan Balev, the co-chair of the Bulgarian Development Bank, has become the first "politically exposed person" from Bulgarian who se name is revealed in the Panama Papers affair.

The Bulgarian Development Bank is almost exclusively owned by the Republic of Bulgaria and is overseen by the country's Finance Ministry.
