Non-lethal weapons

VIDEO: Police intervene with water cannon, tear gas against environmentalists in Artvin

Turkish police have intervened using water cannon and tear gas against locals and environmentalists in the northeastern province of Artvin’s Cerattepe are after protesters sought to march to the site of a controversial mining project

Police who sprayed Gezi's 'woman in red' ordered to plant 600 trees

A police officer that gained notoriety for spraying pepper spray at peaceful protesters, including an academic who became known as the ?woman in red? during the outset of the Gezi Park uprising in 2013, has been sentenced to 20 months in jail and ordered to plant 600 trees.

Schoolkids in Turkey 'celebrate' Highway Traffic Safety Week experimenting with riot control vehicles

Schoolchildren in the eastern Turkish province of ??rnak experimented with riot control vehicles with water cannons known as TOMAs as part of Highway Traffic Safety Week activities. 

Students from Nene Hatun Primary School in the Silopi district of ??rnak visited the local police department, guided by teams from the community policing unit, as part of the week?s activities. 
