North Macedonia

Successor scheme for primary residence protection to be tabled Friday, report says

Greece's leftist administration is expected to table a measure on primary residence protection to succeed the so-called Katseli law on Friday on the basis of an agreement between the government and banks, government sources told state-run Athens-Macedonian news agency (ANA-MPA) on Wednesday.

EU eyes June to begin membership talks with North Macedonia

The European Union's top diplomat says the bloc aims to begin membership talks with North Macedonia in June, after the country lifted the biggest obstacle to joining by changing its name last month.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Tuesday that "our joint objective is to have a green light in June to start negotiations."

Recognition of Macedonian language a ‘grave mistake,’ says prominent linguist

Greece committed a "grave mistake" in recognizing the existence of a Macedonian language, prominent linguist and former education minister Georgios Babiniotis said, adding that the clause in the Prespes accord signed between Athens and Skopje could encourage minority claims in the future.
