North Macedonia

Albania, North Macedonia hope Europe launches accession talks

The leaders of both Albania and North Macedonia say they believe that the European Union will decide in June to open membership talks with them.
North Macedonias Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who on Wednesday was in Tirana to meet with his counterpart Edi Rama, said they expect "the EU to take a positive stand on our two countries ... so that we fulfil this strategic goal."

Senate's Tariceanu tells counterpart Xhaferi that NATO membership is a guarantee for country's future

President of the Romanian Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu welcomed on Wednesday visiting Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi to emphasise that North Macedonia's joining NATO is a guarantee for its future.

Romanian Senate ratifies protocol on the Republic of North Macedonia's accession to NATO

The Romanian Senate, as the decision-making chamber on Wednesday unanimously ratified a bill ratifying a protocol on North Macedonia's accession to NATO, signed in Brussels on February 6, 2019. Attending the vote plenary session was Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi.

Tsipras to visit Skopje, Zaev says

North Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev confirmed Thursday that his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras is planning to visit Skopje, however adding that no specific date has been set yet.
Speaking at the recent Delphi Economic Forum, Tsipras said that he will "soon" visit Skopje accompanied by a business mission.

Bulgarian Transport Minister: After 2025, We Will Travel By Train From Sofia to Skopje For an Hour

At that moment, the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Trade Cooperation between Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia begins in Skopje. Among the topics discussed are transport and energy connectivity and economic relations.

Sofia and Skopje with a Joint Exhibition of Archaeological Discoveries

The government has approved a draft contract between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for the organization of a joint exhibition "100 years Trebenishte", which will take place in Skopje.
