Order of the Dragon

Most brutal tyrants in history (photos)

As the saying goes ‘One man’s hero is another man’s tyrant’. No matter what we believe about the validity or virtues of a political agenda, there is no doubt that some leaders did not hold back in brute force when trying to achieve their goals. Here is a brief list of the most ruthless leaders of all time. You could probably add many more.

Romanians Yearn for Rule by Vlad the Impaler

Democracy may have had its day in Romania, considering the results of a recent poll, which showed that many Romanians would like to hand the country over to the cruel medieval prince called Vlad the Impaler - if he was still alive.

The prince of Wallachia, nowadays southern Romania, is widely seen as a hero and a great leader by many Romanians.

Hidden tunnel partially opened in northern Turkey

The first 30 meters of a hidden tunnel, known as Ceylanyolu, which was discovered during restoration work on Tokat Castle in the northern Anatolian province of Tokat, has been opened. The tunnel is estimated to be 350 meters long. 

Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Abdurrahman Akyüz said they were excited to find the end of the hidden tunnel. 

Clues about 'Dracula’s captivity' unearthed in Tokat

Restoration works in the Tokat Castle have discovered a secret tunnel leading to the Pervane Bath and a military shelter. Two dungeons have also been discovered in the castle, where Wallachian Prince Vlad III the Impaler, who was also known as Dracula, is said to have been held captive in the early 15th century.
