Orders, decorations, and medals of Croatia

Croatia: Zagreb to build 3.5 meter tall Franjo Tudjman statue

Franjo Tudjman

The mayor of Croatia's capital Zagreb, Milan Bandic, has signed a contract to design a 3.5 meter tall statute of former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.

"The statue will be installed in the meadow on the corner of Grada Vukovara and Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice streets," Bandic announced, index.hr reported.

Croatian capital to build 3.5-meter tall Tudjman statue

The mayor of Croatia's capital Zagreb, Milan Bandic, has signed a contract to design a 3.5-meter tall statue of former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.

"The statue will be installed in the meadow on the corner of Grada Vukovara and Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice streets," Bandic announced, index.hr reported.

Bosnian Croat Wartime Leaders Appeal Against Convictions

Jadranko Prlic, the former prime minister of the unrecognised wartime Herzeg-Bosna Croatian Community, is the first of the six Bosnian Croat ex-officials to launch an appeal on Monday against war crimes convictions at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY in The Hague.
