Orders, decorations, and medals of Croatia

Croatia's marked as aggressor, they can't sue - Dacic

Dacic pointed out that Croatia has been designated as an aggressor by the Hague Tribunal.

"This is an internal political demand and propaganda, because Croatia is not doing well. Croatia has been marked as an aggressor. It has been marked in the Tribunal; Serbia has not been marked by any act," he told TV Pink.

Croatian president blasted for "uttering bunch of nonsense"

This is according to President of the Alliance of Serbs from the Region Miodrag Linta, who commented on Grabar-Kitarovic saying that although the Hague found the country's 1990s-era state leaders to have been members of a joint criminal enterprise, it was Serbia, rather than Croatia, who was "the aggressor."

Hague: Croatia's top leaders, part of criminal enterprise

This was announced in a statement for the media late on Wednesday, after the Appeals Chamber announced the final verdicts against Prilic and five other wartime Bosnian Croat leaders.

Their guilty verdicts for the persecution of Muslims (Bosniaks) in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1993 until 1994 were confirmed, as well as the prison terms, ranging from ten to 25 years.
