Partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Third Entity Would Destroy Bosnia’s Croat Political Elite

Their real goal is maintenance of the political status quo, which allows them to stay in power, manage their patronage networks and avoid prosecution.

While most of the Croat population in Bosnia and Herzegovina would support the creation of a separate Croat entity, or even secession, the elites would lose too much to genuinely support such a policy.

Vucic and Dodik on Dayton Agreement: "No changes without consent of Serbian people"

Vucic said at the press conference after the meeting that many topics were discussed and stressed that "the urgent need of the Serbian people, wherever they live, is to preserve peace and stability and our main goal is to enable that political stability and peace".
The President of Serbia said that one of the topics was the Dayton Agreement.

Sarajevo to Pay €358,000 for War Crime Suspects’ Defence

Vasvija Vidovic, a lawyer who has represented former Bosnian Army soldiers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Bosnian state court, argued that defendants find themselves difficult financial situations because trials are long-running and very expensive.

Izetbegovic: Croats in Bosnia can't have entity without war

Bakir Izetbegovic says that Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) "cannot get (their separate) third entity in BiH without conflict and war."

After the 1992-95 war, the country is made up of the Serb Republic (RS), the Serb entity, and the Muslim-Croat Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (FBiH).

Hague: Croatia's top leaders, part of criminal enterprise

This was announced in a statement for the media late on Wednesday, after the Appeals Chamber announced the final verdicts against Prilic and five other wartime Bosnian Croat leaders.

Their guilty verdicts for the persecution of Muslims (Bosniaks) in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1993 until 1994 were confirmed, as well as the prison terms, ranging from ten to 25 years.
