Political theories

‘Regime change’

In the early years of the century, when neoconservatism peaked, the United States was set on imposing "regime change" on distant, hostile countries. The idea was to turn corrupt, nepotistic dictatorships into client states that - thanks to democracy and free markets - would look like America.

Teens for Democracy 2024

The Athens Democracy Forum (ADF), organized by the Democracy & Culture Foundation (DCF) in association with The New York Times, has announced this year's Teens for Democracy Initiative.

This ambitious program aims to amplify the voices of teenagers in democratic processes, bridging the intergenerational gap, and empowering young individuals to shape their future.

Is a center-left alliance possible only in Paris?

Will the outcome of the elections in France and the UK trigger a wave of support for progressive forces across Europe as a whole? There are some important differences between the two countries that need to be noted. In the UK, extreme populism and promises of magical solutions were tried and they failed dismally.

National Gallery’s ‘Democracy’ looks at Southern European history and art

A new and timely exhibition titled "Democracy" that opens at the National Gallery of Art on Thursday explores the relationship of art with political history in southern Europe.

The exhibition will open to the public on Friday (July 12) and run to February 2, 2025.

The West and the cat

Antisystemic forces are sending shockwaves through mature democracies in the Western world. Compared to them, Greece is like an oasis of calm. In order to maintain this status quo, however, the country needs to deal with the social problems and inequalities that act as fuel for populism.

Bulgaria's Political Landscape in 2023: Populist Parties Below 20% Support

In a recent release of the Authoritarian Populism Index 2024, Bulgaria emerges as a focal point for understanding the intricate interplay of political ideologies shaping Europe's landscape. Published by Timbro and EPICENTER, the index, presented in Bulgarian by the Institute for Market Economics, offers a comprehensive analysis spanning decades of electoral dynamics.

The Western bubble

The dominant Western narrative today has the West fighting a battle against a dark world that represents authoritarianism and challenges the liberal post-war political world. It is summed up in the phrase "the West and the rest."
