Politics of Kosovo

Kosovo key condition for Germany

Kosovo key condition for Germany

BERLIN -- Foreign policy spokesman for the ruling German CDU/ CSU Philipp Missfelder has said that "the right way for Serbia is toward the EU."

Missfelder commented on parliamentary elections to say the SNS victory was "a significant step forward for Serbia, that has many challenges ahead."

Crimea, Kosovo, and double standards

Crimea, Kosovo, and double standards

BELGRADE -- The French daily Le Figaro has an article comparing reactions in western countries and their media to declarations of independence made by Crimea and Kosovo.

The conclusion the newspaper made is that "officials are applying double standards," while the media tend to "forget."

Minister: Kosovo army completely unacceptable

Minister: Kosovo army completely unacceptable

BELGRADE -- Aleksandar Vulin, minister without portfolio in charge of Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian government, say a Kosovo army would be "completely unacceptable."

"Serbia does not intend to, within the Brussels dialogue or otherwise, negotiate this issue," he said on Friday.

"NATO opened Pandora's box in Kosovo"

"NATO opened Pandora's box in Kosovo"

BERLIN -- German MP Gregor Gysi said in the country's parliament on Thursday that "NATO and the EU are partially responsible for the current situation in Ukraine."

This is because of the policy they pursued in previous years, the leader of the left-wing political party The Left noted.

EULEX chief denies existence of "secret lists"

EULEX chief denies existence of "secret lists"

BELGRADE -- EULEX chief Bernd Borchardt says speculation that there are secret indictments against Serbs in Kosovo are "completely baseless."

The same is true when it comes to stories about a list containing 5,000 names of Serbs, he said, "categorically" stating that such a list do not exist.
