
Activists collect over 40,000 signatures against construction of coal plant in Black Sea port

Activists have collected over 40,000 signatures for a petition against the construction of a coal plant in the Black Sea port of Amasra, a town much renowned for its nature and history that is aiming to enter UNESCO’s permanent cultural heritage list.

Court grants stay of execution for gas station construction on green area in Black Sea province

A Samsun court has granted a stay of execution for a gas station project which was slated to be built in a green area in the Black Sea province of Amasya following locals’ demonstrations.

The court issued the decision regarding a revision of the development plan in 2006, the organization of the parcel in 2008 and the construction permit given in 2014.

Amasya residents fight gas station construction on green area in Gezi-inspired protest

A small and picturesque town on the banks of Yeşilırmak in the interior of the central Black Sea region has spent the night demonstrating to prevent a green area being destroyed to make way for a gas station in a Gezi-inspired spontaneous protest.
