Real estate

Demand for Business Property Is Growing

The Bank Assets Management Company (DUTB d.d.) owns and sells an extensive portfolio of properties in all segments and different development stages. In continuation, we present some of the most interesting properties for the development of business projects in Slovenia. Also worth mentioning is the possibility of joint project development.

Increased investments in residential real estate in Slovenia, grab your opportunity

In light of the existing and expected revival of the real estate market, and considering the still-inexpensive financing options and positive demographic trends in larger Slovenian cities, a lack of residential unit supply can be expected this year.

Thousands of Greeks protest over right to strike, hitting hospitals, transport and shipping

Thousands of Greek protesters marched in central Athens on Friday against new reforms, including restrictions on the right to strike, that Parliament is set to approve next week in return for bailout funds.

In the first major industrial upheaval of 2018, the shutdown of the Athens metro, used by some 938,000 commuters daily, caused traffic gridlock in the city of 3.8 million people.

Cadaster to absorb land register offices

The Environment Ministry included a clause in the multi-bill tabled in Parliament on Tuesday for the creation of a new public entity named "Hellenic Cadaster" (instead of the original proposal, "National Cadaster Corporation") at a time when construction activity in Greece mostly comprises fencing around plots rather than any actual building.
