Real estate

High-time for an investment in the construction of apartments

Most of the demand is for apartment buildings, and it seems multidwelling units have once again become an interesting long-term investment. As experts believe that a high number of apartments could easily be sold in Maribor at this moment, it is high-time to seize the opportunity and invest in Maribor's undeveloped land lots.

Plovdiv, Burgas and Varna with most Residential Buildings put into Operation

According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute, the number of new buildings put in operation in the first quarter of 2018 was 565 and the newly constructed apartments were 1 530. Compared to the first quarter of 2017, the buildings were 103 more, or 22.3% increase, while the dwellings in them decreased by 221, or by 12.6%, the NSI reported.

Real Estate Prices Are Increasing

Nowadays real estate prices are increasing steadily ... Is the new home becoming a more distant dream? comments Bulgaria On Air TV show together with Nevena Stoyanova, a partner in a real estate agency, Snezhana Stoycheva, the manager of and the singer Nora Karaivanova.

Buying or renting a new home is accompanied by a lot of stress and ... money.

Hygeia posts rise in profit

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center of Athens Hygeia SA announced on Tuesday that its 2017 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization from continuing operations reached 33.5 million euros, recording a 10 percent annual rise. 

Its revenues increased marginally last year to reach 206 million euros, from 205.9 million euros in 2016.

40 Families were Left without a Roof after the Big Fire in Sandanski

The huge fire on Saturday night in Sandanski was without casualties or wounded people but with the evacuation of the whole apartment block and serious material damage. 40 families were left homeless. The apartments are burned down and hardly any of them is fit to live, NOVA points out.

Shameful disregard

Too many buildings in Athens and other cities around Greece have been allowed to fall into the hands of anti-establishment and other groups.

The owners of these buildings have to pay property taxes and watch other bills pile up even though they are unable to access them and have no control over what is happening to their assets.

Gas station worker, 35, suspected to have led Combat 18 Hellas far-right group

A 35-year-old gas station employee from Ioannina, northwestern Greece, is believed to have led the far-right group Combat 18 Hellas, according to police who arrested 11 suspected members of the organization earlier this week.

Of the 11, seven are to face an investigating magistrate on Saturday on charges of running a criminal organization.
