
Bulgarian Security Agency Warns Of Increased Terrorist Risk

There is an increased risk of extremist and terrorist groups in Bulgaria, concluded a report of the State Agency for National Security (DANS). 

The agency has identified the “considerable risks for national security”, but did not specify them. In 2013 it has investigated nearly 100 000 dubious people and has deported from Bulgaria 128 foreigners, deemed dangerous for Bulgaria. 

Japan donates 300 green vehicles to Serbia

BELGRADE - Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Mrkic and Japanese Ambassador to Serbia Masafumi Kuroki inked and exchanged documents on Wednesday on the Japanese government's grant in the form of green vehicles amounting to EUR 3.57 million.

Mrkic told reporters that the grant includes 300 green vehicles for the needs of the public sector.

Montenegro Sued Over Aluminium Plant's Losses

CEAC filed on Tuesday a request to a Vienna court for arbitration proceedings with the Montenegrin government, seeking over 600 million euro in compensation for losses for the aluminum plant's bankruptcy.

The biggest creditors of the KAP aluminium plant are the Montenegrin government and Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, through CEAC.

Serbia to present at eight international book fairs

BELGRADE - Serbia will present its offer at eight international book fairs this year and seven Serbian writers will present their works at the first fair, the International Book Fair in Leipzig from March 13 to 16.

In the course of the year, the works of Serbian contemporary authors will be presented in Skopje, Sarajevo, Thessaloniki, Moscow, Frankfurt, Zagreb and Sofia.
