Russo-Ukrainian War

Czech Protest Group Fights Dictators with Papier-Mache Monsters

Grotesque, crude and clearly insulting, the puppets are designed to grab attention and burst despotic bubbles. Meanwhile, Central European populists serving Moscow and Beijing's interests, like Czech President Milos Zeman and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, metamorphosise into giant slugs eating the lettuce leaf of democracy.

The EC is Proposing to Confiscate the Assets of Violators of EU Sanctions

The European Commission is proposing to confiscate the assets and property of violators of EU sanctions. This is stated in a statement issued by the EC in Brussels.

"Today, the European Commission has proposed that violations of EU restrictive measures be included in the EU's list of crimes," the statement said.

Soros: The War in Ukraine could be the Beginning of World War III

"The invasion may be the beginning of World War III and our civilization may not survive it." This was stated by the American billionaire George Soros in his traditional evening speech at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss mountain town of Davos on the occasion of the war in Ukraine.

Day 91 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Separatists took over Settlements in Donetsk, Kyiv blew up Warehouse with 180 Russians inside

Here are the highlights of events related to the war in Ukraine over the past 24 hours:

Russian offensive in Donbas in advancing

Early this morning in Zaporizhzhia there was a Russian rocket attack, the city administration announced in its channel on the social network Telegram. There are still no reports of casualties or damage.

Stoltenberg: Put Values above Profits

"Protecting our values is more important than making a profit," Jens Stoltenberg told the World Economic Forum in Davos.

NATO's Secretary-General said the war in Ukraine had shown "how economic relations with authoritarian regimes can create vulnerabilities".

In a speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, he highlighted trade with Russia and China.

"Total War"

As Zelensky stated, that includes inflicting as many human victims as possible and destroying the infrastructure.
