Russo-Ukrainian War

2,000 US troops have Left for Europe

2,000 troops left the Fort Bragg base in North Carolina and headed for Europe. By order of United States President Joe Biden, the military will be stationed in Germany and Poland.

European Reactions to the US decision to send Troops in Eastern Europe

Thousands of US troops currently in Germany will be relocated to Romania.

France wants to Lead a New Multinational NATO Contingent in the Balkans

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who is in Bucharest, met virtually today with nine of his Eastern European counterparts to discuss the crisis over Ukraine, Reuters reported. According to information from ClubZ, the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodora Genchovska also participated.

Russia has Condemned the US Decision to send Additional Troops to Europe

Russia has condemned the US decision to send additional troops to Europe in support of NATO allies.

Washington's decision is a "destructive and unjustified step" and will only increase tensions in the region, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.

The United States has offered Russia an Exchange of Information on Missiles

Heavy shelling in Donetsk this morning VIDEO

According to the description of the videos posted on social networks, heavy artillery fire has been echoing in that part of Ukraine since early morning.

Heavy shelling in #Donetsk this

— marqs (@MarQs__) February 2, 2022

Another video states that the artillery is echoing in the Kirovsky district.

The United States has offered Russia an Exchange of Information on Missiles

The United States has told Russia it is ready to provide the Kremlin with a way to verify that there are no Tomahawk cruise missiles at NATO bases in Poland and Romania if Moscow is willing to share similar missile information at some Russian bases.

The information is from the Bloomberg agency.
