Russo-Ukrainian War

Putin accuses US, allies of ignoring Russian security needs

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday accused the U.S. and its allies of ignoring Russia's top security demands but said Moscow is willing to talk more to ease tensions over Ukraine.

The comments were his first on the standoff in more than a month and suggested a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine may not be imminent and that at least one more round of diplomacy is likely.

Boris Johnson Prepares Planes for Bulgaria and an Elite Ship in the Black Sea

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce today that his country is proposing to strengthen NATO's eastern flank, including sending Typhoon fighter jets to patrol the airspace of Bulgaria and Romania. They will operate from Cyprus, where there are two British airbases.

Satellite reveals what Russia's doing: footage from the border released VIDEO / PHOTO

This has intensified especially lately, and the world media publish satellite images showing Russian troops and equipment.
Russia has denied any possibility of invasion, but troops build-up has been recorded on satellite images in bases surrounding the northern, eastern and southern borders of Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine have Agreed to Abide by the Ceasefire

Moscow and Kiev have agreed to abide by a "ceasefire" policy during talks in the Normandy format in Paris. After nearly 9 hours of talks, Paris officials described the discussions as a "good signal".

The gathering of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine has raised fears that the Kremlin is planning an invasion of its neighbor Ukraine.

China has Informed the US it does Not Want Escalation of Tensions over Ukraine

China has told the United States it wants to keep all countries involved in the crisis in Ukraine calm and avoid escalating tensions, while Washington has called for de-escalation and warned of security and economic risks in the event of Russian aggression, Reuters reports.
