Social networks

Only 34% of Bulgarian Companies Actively Use Social Networks

Only 34% of companies in Bulgaria use at least one social media to develop their marketing strategies and receive feedback from customers. This is reported by Eurostat.

According to their data, our country is at one of the last places in the EU, with only Latvia (30%) and Poland (27%) are after us.

Google, Facebook and Twitter will Testified on Russian Intervention in US Elections

Representatives of the technological giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have appeared before the US Congress to testify to the distribution of untrue or misleading information paid by Russia on their platforms during the US presidential election last year, DPA and Associated Press reported.

'Beli' Defeats Serbian Rivals in Online Election Campaign

If the battle to become Serbia's next president was decided in terms of online activity, spoof character Ljubisa Preletacevic "Beli", played by Luka Maksimovic, would win hands down.

That is the verdict of research carried out by a Belgrade-based NGO, Share Foundation, which shows thatBeli notched up almost 600,000 interactions on his posts on his official Facebook page.

Give sharing economy and 'sharing culture' a chance

Turkey has been home to some inspiring projects, organizations and communities in the recent years that offer alternatives to today's market-based, monetized economy. Gift economy, sharing economy, crowdfunding, collaborative consumption and mesh economy are some of these alternative systems gaining more followers each day.

The mighty fall of Twitter

Twitter is an amazing service with a simple idea, as all of you know. It is an amazing way to spread news. It is very easy to use, very fast and very open. It is exactly what a free-minded, truth-seeking global individual would want from any news source. However, this is exactly why Twitter is losing its edge and relativity globally.

Oh, no! Have you been posting Christmas photos on social media? (pics)

Those Christmas pics are hard to resist posting… especially bearing in mind that everybody seems to be doing this. There are reasons however as to why you should not be advertising your Christmas moments on Facebook and other social media.

1. Leaving home for Christmas
