Socialist Party

Observers’ Mission Criticizes Albania’s One-Party Elections

Ambassador Audrey Glover, head of the observers mission, during a press conference in Tirana on July 1. Photo: Gjergj Erebara/BIRN

In a preliminary report presented in Tirana on Monday, the mission said the elections were held "with little regard for the interests of the electorate".

Political Issues in France Before the EP Election

Facing heavy losses in May's European Parliament election, France's two traditional major parties risk becoming just bit-part players in the two biggest blocs in the chamber, Politico reported.

That, in turn, will mean fewer influential posts for lawmakers and less clout in the Parliament for one of the EU's big powers and founding members.

Albania Re-elects Football Chief Amid Controversies

Armand Duka, the head of the Soccer Federation of Albania since 2002, easily won a fifth term on Wednesday, after winning 38 votes out of 66 in the Federation's Assembly.

Duka easily defeated Bashkim Fino, former Prime Minister and MP for the ruling Socialist Party, in a battle that raised concerns about political intervention in sport.

Le Pen upstages presidential rival Macron with factory visit

Emmanuel Macron told striking factory workers that he can do nothing to save their jobs from cheap foreign labour when he paid them a last-minute visit on Wednesday.

Macron, who is pro-globalisation, had not been scheduled to speak with Whirlpool staff in his hometown of Amiens, but was forced to make a detour after Marine Le Pen went to see them earlier in the day.
