Sorbonne University

Bolstering jobs and salaries

Supporting employment by creating well-paid jobs, reducing employer social security contributions, the universal application of the digital labor card and sweeping inspections for the application of labor legislation make up the blueprint of priorities the new labor minister, Niki Kerameus, is reportedly determined to implement.

Is postal voting a step towards deepening Greek democracy?

On Monday Greece introduced a bill that would allow for voting by mail, a long-standing request of diaspora Greeks and a measure that has been applied in almost all modern democracies. Interior Minister Niki Kerameus said the reform will make it easier to exercise the right to vote and will deepen democracy.

Postal voting bill amendment seeks inclusion of Greeks abroad in national elections

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus introduced an amendment to the postal voting bill in parliament on Monday proposing the adoption of postal voting for Greeks living abroad in both European and national elections.  

The announcement was made during the parliamentary debate on the legislation related to postal voting in European elections and referenda. 

Consultation with political parties on postal voting to start Monday, minister says

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus said Friday that the consultation process with parliamentary party representatives on postal voting will begin upon her return from Paris, where she is currently chairing the OECD's Global Strategy Group meeting.

Revamped electoral platform for Greeks overseas: Kerameus announces unrestricted voting rights”

Interior Minister Niki Kerameus has addressed the diaspora Greeks through a letter, announcing the complete elimination of all restrictions on registration in the special electoral lists for voters residing abroad.

According to sources, the revamped platform,, is anticipated to be up and running as early as September.
