Southeastern Europe

Djukanovic Denies Giving Loans to Criminals

Prime Minister Djukanovic has dismissed opposition claims that the government handed out a loan of 2 million euro to a notorious alleged gangster.

Addressing the public on "Prime Minister's Hour" in parliament on Tuesday, and responding to a question from opposition MP Darko Pajovic, the Prime Minister said he was not aware of any such cases.

EPP Group Chairman Urges Formation of Center-Right Gov't

European People's Party Group Chair Joseph Daul met leaders of conservative GERB party and right-wing Reformist Bloc, but also two parties to the left of the political spectrum.

During his visit to the Bulgarian capital on Tuesday Sofia Daul called on political parties to forge a center-right government.

"International community should protect Serbs"

"International community should protect Serbs"

BELGRADE -- The Serbian Parliament Committee on Kosovo discussed on Tuesday the current security situation in the province and adopted conclusions.

The document urges the international community to act in line with its mandate and ensure security for all Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija.

40% of Serbians Optimistic About Economic Situation

Some 40% of Serbian citizens expect the economic situation to improve, while in Croatia such hopes have only 11% of the people, 26% in Montenegro, and 37% in Macedonia.

The survey shows that 33 per cent of Serbian citizens expect their financial situation to improve, informs, citing the Tanjug news agency.

EU "lifts sanctions against Milošević"

EU "lifts sanctions against Milošević"

BRUSSELS -- The European Union has lifted sanctions it imposed against former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević, said reports on Tuesday.

Milošević died in 2006 during his Hague Tribunal trial, where he stood accused of war crimes and genocide in Bosnia, and war crimes in Croatia and Kosovo.
