
Scarcity of Teachers: After 7 Years, There will be a Need for 39,000 People

65% of teachers in Bulgaria were victims of violence. This was announced by the Chief of the Syndication of Bulgarian Teachers Yanka Takeva at the opening of a discussion on young pedagogues, which took place at the 119th Sofia School "Mihail Arnaudov" in Sofia.

10 sexiest teachers in the world! (video-photos)

When we think of teachers, we often don’t think of people who are hot and gorgeous. We tend to think of teachers as people who don’t put a lot of focus into their looks and are more worried about educating the future of the world. In fact, there are running jokes dedicated to how teachers are usually less attractive than the general population.

Bulgaria's Investments in Education: the Lowest in Europe

According to Eurostat statistics Denmark invests the most in it's education. Bulgaria is once again at the bottom of this list. Other countries that impress with ranking are Sweden, Beligum and Finnland - paying over 6% of the GDP for education. Countries paying under 4% apart from Bulgaria are Italy, Ireland and Romania.
