Titu Maiorescu
Academician Theodorescu on Greater Union: It was the masterpiece of political thinking called January 1859
Historians from all over Romania and abroad attended on Wednesday a symposium called "The Greater Union - the culmination of a millenary history," organised by the National Defence College Foundation and the National Defence College at the Central University Library in Bucharest, an event that is part of the series of events dedicated to the Centennial of the December 1, 1918 Greater Union.
PSD's nomination for Constitutional Court, Simona Maya Teodoroiu is new CCR justice
Simona Maya Teodoroiu was designated on Wednesday by the Senate's plenary meeting to occupy a justice seat to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), as the position held by former magistrate Toni Grebla was declared vacant, following the latter's resignation.
Photo credit: (c) Alex TUDOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE