
Woman killed in car accident in the Peloponnese

A woman was killed in a car accident on Thursday on the Korinthos-Tripolis-Kalamata highway near the Tsakona area in eastern Peloponnese.

The other passenger, an elderly man with severe injuries, has been hospitalized in Tripoli. The car, occupied by the elderly couple, collided with a truck under unknown circumstances.

Cyclist killed after being hit by car in Tripoli

A cyclist aged 79 was killed on Saturday in southern Greece after being hit on a provincial road in Tripoli by a car driven by a 37-year-old man.

The elderly man was rushed to the Pan-Arcadian Hospital of Tripoli but died of his injuries a short time later. Local police launched an investigation into the circumstances of the accident.

Athens pushes back against Tripoli maritime zone claims

In a letter to the United Nations secretary-general, Greece's permanent representative to the UN, Evangelos Sekeris, expressed Athens' complete opposition to Libya's claims regarding the limits of its maritime zones, as reflected in a verbal communication from the Tripoli government to Cairo. 

Libya in a state of isolation

The failure to hold a consultative meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in the Libyan capital is seen as evidence of the diplomatic isolation of the Tripoli government, even among Arab states. 

Indicatively, of the 22 countries in the Arab League, 15 did not attend, and neither did its secretary-general, Ahmed Aboul Gheit. 

Traffic accident near Tripoli results in one death

A 22-year-old man died in a traffic accident near Tripoli in the early hours of Sunday morning. According to the police, the car collided with an outer fence of a nearby house.

The accident also left one 21-year-old passenger injured.

The Tripoli traffic police are conducting an investigation into the incident.
