
Linta: Fear production continues

BELGRADE - Head of the Coalition of Refugee Associations Miodrag Linta said on Wednesday the most recent incidents in Vukovar where cyrillic parts of bilingual signs were covered by Croatian flags were a continuation of the production of fear and an attempt to maintain a warlike atmosphere.

Croatia's constitutional court: No referendum on Cyrillic

ZAGREB - Croatia will not hold a referendum on the official use of the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet after the country's constitutional court ruled the proposed referendum question as unconstitutional.

The Constitutional Court made the ruling on Monday after the parliament requested that the constitutionality of the announced referendum be assessed.

Stickers with Croatian flag placed over bilingual signs

VUKOVAR - Members of an association of war veterans from Vukovar put stickers with the Croatian flag on around 20 bilingual signs located on government buildings in that town, the Croatian media have reported.

A group of veterans came to Vukovar after a commemoration in Borovo marking the 23rd anniversary of the death of police officerc from Vinkovac, the news agency Hina said.

Criticism against calls for boycott of Serb businesses

ZAGREB - The invitation to boycott shops in Vukovar owned by the local Serbs is a revitalization of fascism,several Croatian organizations have said and called on the government to condemn that action by the Headquarters for the Protection of the Croatian Vukovar,an organization that is famous for opposing the use of the Serbian Cyrillic scrip in Croatia.

HQ for Defense of Vukovar in anti-Cyrillic campaign

ZAGREB - Headquarters for the Defense of Vukovar, a right-wing organization campaigning against official use of the Serbian Cyrillic script in Croatia, announced on Thursday that it will tour the country to convince the citizens that the referendum on bilingualism is neither unconstitutional, nor contrary to the position of the European Union.
