
Five War Victims Identified from Mass Grave Near Croatia’s Vukovar

Croatia's Minister of Veterans' Affairs, Tomo Medved, said the authorities remain committed to finding all the remaining missing persons from the 1991-95 war, as five more war victims were formally identified on Friday at the Dr Juraj Njavro National Memorial Hospital in the eastern town of Vukovar.

Prague to send repaired art home to Syria

Twenty artifacts repaired by Czech art restorers after being damaged during the civil war in Syria are on display at Prague's National Museum before their return back home next month.

The objects include three limestone funerary portraits from the UNESCO-listed ancient site of Palmyra, which were damaged by Islamic State group militants who took the city by force in 2015.

Bosnian Ministry Funds Museum at War Prison Camp, Angering Ex-Inmates

The Bosnian Defence Ministry told BIRN that it is planning to invest 540,000 Bosnian marks, some 270,000 euros, over the next three years on rebuilding part of the former Heliodrom detention camp in Mostar as the Military Museum of the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Iranian top diplomat in Ankara for talks on Syria, bilateral issues

Senior officials from Türkiye and Iran discussed bilateral ties as well as regional issues, including the ongoing Syrian civil war, in the Turkish capital on Jan. 17.

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian visited Ankara on a one-day trip where he was received by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and held talks with Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

Inter-Syrian dialogue essential for peace: Çavuşoğlu

Reconciliation between the Syrian regime and the opposition groups is essential for ending the ongoing civil war in the country, Türkiye's top diplomat has said, repeating Ankara's calls on Damascus to genuinely endorse the international efforts for a political solution to the decade-old tragedy.
