
Mobile operator Telenor provides free wifi for migrants

Telenor Serbia has set up a free Wi-Fi hot spot at the park near Belgrade's Central Bus Station, enabling all migrants to get in touch with their families.

Another free Wi-Fi hot spot will be set up over the next few days at the second busiest migrant location, in the park in front of the Faculty of Economics, the company said in a statement.

Free hotel Wi-Fi? Avoid it like the plague!

Everybody likes free Wi-Fi at hotels but there are risks involved. Hotel networks are targeted by cybercriminals who wait for hotel guests to logon to hotel networks before tricking them into downloading devices that infects spy software. The hackers fake network mirrors the freely available hotel service so that hackers can then steal account names, passwords and intercept files.

Wi-Fi project is under way

A project announced by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras last November to improve wireless Internet access across Greece is now getting under way.

An invitation for expressions of interest in the tender was published on Tuesday so that it can be incorporated in the regional programs of the European Union-subsidized National Strategic Reference Framework.

Rail company enters digital age, gradually

Railway operator OSE on Friday said that it is launching the first phase of an electronic information system which is expected to make travel easier for passengers.

The new system will provide commuters with real-time travel updates on digital announcement boards and later on their smartphones, tablets and laptops at the country’s railway stations.
