
Greece Temporarily Suspends Return of Migrants to Turkey

Greece has temporarily suspended the return of migrants to Turkey under the EU-Turkey agreement due to a surge in the number of asylum applications.

Most of the 6750 migrants on the Greek islands are applying for asylum and there is shortage of qualified officials such as translators to process the applications.

There was progress regarding rapid migrants readmission to Turkey, says Alt. FM Xydakis

“There was convergence in practical issues and this is positive. We did not reach an agreement because Turkey’s proposals were extremely radical for the majority of the EU member states,” Alternate Foreign Minister responsible for European Affairs Nikos Xydakis stated to Athina 9.84 FM on Tuesday.

Xydakis: Greece and Germany should work together to tackle refugee crisis!

Alternate Foreign Minister Nikos Xydakis told Greece’s radio station, Praktorio 104.9, that Greece and Germany should partner together to confront the problems caused by the refugee crisis. “Germany has saved and received people regardless of what some extreme circles inside the country say and Germany is Greece’s ally and partner, they have a relation,” said Xydakis.

Baltas own goal: SYRIZA says “No” to Amal Cloony regarding the return of the Parthenon Marbles

The Greek government appears to have changed its  course concerning the acquisition of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum in London. Culture Minister Aristidis Baltas on Tuessday said the government is no longer mulling legal action ot win back Greek antiquities but would instead kick-start a diplomatic campaign to repatriate the 5th century BC statues.

Tsipras to stress refugee crisis is European problem in Valletta Summit meeting

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras visits Malta to attend the Valletta Summit which will focus on action for migration.

He is expected to reiterate his position that the refugee crisis must be dealt with as a joint European problem and not as one that concerns only the country of entry.

Greek-Iran strengthen ties and look to closer relations

Deputy European Affairs Minister Nikos Xydakis and Iranian Ambassador to Greece Behnam Behrouz on Friday discussed ways in which to upgrade bilateral cooperation between Greece and Iran in sectors such as energy, trade and tourism.

The meeting was held ahead of planned visits to Tehran by Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
