Gov’t to use Hellenic Armed Forces to solve refugee issue

The Greek government decided to ask the help of the Hellenic Armed Forces in order to complete in 15 days all the actions required so as to comply with its commitments on the refugee issue following the 3-month deadline EU has given to Greece.

The informal deadline is until February 18, when the next EU summit is scheduled and Greek government should have set up the five hotspots on the Greek islands and two camps at Schisto and Sindo.

Yestrday, an Interministerial meeting took place at Maximos Mansion between seven ministers: Minister of Defence Panos Kamenos, State Minister Alekos Flambouraris, Minister of Shipping and Island Policy Theodoros Dritsas, Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Toskas, Deputy Minister of Defense Dimitris Vitsas, Alternate Minister of Immigration Policy Yannis Mouzalas, Alternate Foreign Minister for European Affairs Nikos Xydakis and General Secretary for government coordination Dimitris Papagiannakos.

According to a press release issued by Maximos Mansion, the government decided that the assistance of Hellenic Armed Forces is necessary to complete the required actions in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Migration Policy and the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection.

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