Theodoros Dritsas

Gov't awaits Council of State ruling on TV permits

Government officials indicated Tuesday that a cabinet reshuffle will probably happen next week rather than this week as the administration awaits Wednesday's anticipated court verdict on the constitutionality of a controversial auction for television licenses and attempts to keep a lid on internal dissent.

Dritsas abandons plan for a Piraeus port watchdog

Following pressure by the country's creditors as well as market opposition, Shipping Minister Theodoros Dritsas has been forced to abandon his ambition of creating a Piraeus Port Public Authority (DALP).

The draft law put up on Thursday for public consultation provides for the creation of a Public Authority for Ports (DAL), but not for Piraeus.

Shipping minister claims OLP sale is not completed

“There is still a lot to be done until the concession of the shares in June,” said Shipping Minister Theodoros Dritsas arguing that there is a series of legal procedures to be concluded first.

Speaking to MEGAT TV channel, he stated that new mechanisms will be set up, such as Public Authority of Piraeus Port, which, as it is estimated, will create a new ‘public’ OLP.

Greek army sets up tents in Athens to host refugees and immigrants

Greek government puts into effect what Shipping and Island Policy Minister Theodoros Dritsas said on Sunday concerning Greece’s intention to equally distribute the refugees and immigrants throughout the country, if there is no European solution.

With 25,000 immigrants and refugees trapped in many places all over Greece, the government is looking for places to host them.

Dritsas: Failing to find a European solution, refugees and immigrants will be scattered all over Greece

Shipping and Island Policy Minister Theodoros Dritsas told SKAI TV that the government is planning to send refugees and immigrants all over the country, if European Union fails to find a common solution to stem refugee flow.
