Dritsas departs, Thessaloniki Port sale is back on

The procedure for the privatization of Thessaloniki Port Authority (OLTH) is about to restart following the departure of minister Theodoros Dritsas from the Shipping Ministry. Binding bids for the Athens-listed corporation are now expected for January.

The former minister hampered the sell-off process, as for over two months he refused to put his signature to the new concession contract for the company that operates and manages the country's second-biggest port. He also set a series of terms and conditions that in practice prevented the actualization of the privatization.

The submission of binding offers for the acquisition of 67 percent of OLTH was originally scheduled for this month. Now state privatization fund TAIPED is aiming to set a deadline for January 2017.

Officials close to the privatization project say it will take at least two months after the new...

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