
The decline

The government keeps coming up against practices similar to those it used to come to power and consolidate its position. It showed absolutely no hesitation about resorting to them then because it was hungry for power and had the momentum of an untainted new player. It also enjoyed promoting the image of the "bad boy" who wasn't bound by rules.

Roman Catholic priests empowered to “forgive” abortion sin

On Monday, Pope Francis extended the power of Roman Catholic priests to forgive the “grave sin” of abortion, in what has been described by some as a “signature gesture” from the Catholic Church’s just-ended Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The power to forgive abortion was a right previously reserved only for bishops or special confessors.

Bulgarian Cabinet Adopts Draft Anti-Corruption Act

At its regular meeting on Wednesday, the Bulgarian government adopted a draft law on the prevention of corruption and forfeiture of illegally acquired property.

The bill foresees the creation of united anti-corruption body - national bureau for prevention of corruption and forfeiture of illegally acquired property.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

By Pantelis Boukalas

Even if we have difficulty grappling with complex and complicated notions, and even if we are ruled by an urge to divide the world into Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Civilized and Barbaric, it is still necessary to turn an ear to the lessons of history.