Müslüm Do

Turkey's HDP burns bridges with interim gov't led by AKP

Two ministers from the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP), EU Minister Ali Haydar Konca and Development Minister Müslüm Do?an, resigned Sept. 22 from their posts in an interim cabinet in a sign of growing tension over the ongoing conflict between Turkey?s security forces and militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK). 

Turkey's HDP burns bridges with interim gov't let by AKP

Two ministers from the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP), EU Minister Ali Haydar Konca and Development Minister Müslüm Do?an, resigned Sept. 22 from their posts in an interim cabinet in a sign of growing tension over the ongoing conflict between Turkey?s security forces and militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK). 

HDP delegation seeks entry to southeastern district under curfew

A delegation headed by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirta? sought to enter the Cizre district of the southeastern ??rnak province on Sept. 9, on the sixth day of the curfew in the area. 

The delegation was stopped on their way to Cizre as soon as they left the Midyat district of southeastern province of Mardin.