
In The EU: Bulgarians Spend The Most On Food After Romanians

Romanians and Bulgarians spend the largest part of their monthly income on food compared to the other countries in the European Union, with Romanians ranking first at 23.7 %, and Bulgarians following closely behind at second with 18.9%, indicate data from Eurostat for 2022, cited by the newspaper "Adevărul".

INSCOP: Two thirds of Romanians say conflict in Ukraine is dangerous to Romania

Two thirds of Romanians - 64.4 per cent - believe the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is dangerous to Romania, according to the findings of a recent INSCOP poll released on Monday.

Photo credit: (c)

As many as 17.9 per cent believe it is not dangerous to Romania, while 17.7 do not know/did not answer.

INSCOP: Presidency, Army, Church and the EU lead charts on people's trust in public institutions

The Presidency takes the top spot in the charts showing trust in political institutions, the Army leads the charts of executive institutions, the social and private institutions chart is led by the Church, while the European Union enjoys most trust in the realm of international institutions, according to a poll conducted by INSCOP Research on the orders of daily newspaper Adevarul

Udrea on unveiling her electoral programme: We are seeking something costless, in our different, energetic manner

Presidential candidate of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Elena Udrea has announced the party is seeking another way of unveiling the political programme of its candidate following Udrea's cancellation of the launch of her presidential bid initially scheduled for Sunday at the Palace Hall of Bucharest.

MEP Macovei: Minorities' rights are respected in Romania; rights of Romanians in Covasna, Harghita violated

Romanian MEP Monica Macovei (of the Democratic Liberal Party, PDL) said on Thursday that the minorities' rights, of the Hungarian minority included, are respected in Romania, but an unknown problem is the fact that the Romanians' rights are not respected in Covasna and Harghita counties (central Romania).
