Sedentary lifestyle

Greek children not big on fruit and vegetables

A recent nationwide survey commissioned by the Greek Ministry of Health and UNICEF reveals alarming trends in children's health, characterized by low consumption of fruit and vegetables and a sedentary lifestyle. 

Based on the survey's alarming insight, Deputy Health Minister Eirini Agapidaki has announced forthcoming actions to combat childhood obesity.

Just 25 Minutes of Physical Activity - Enough to Offset the Increased Risk of Death from a Sedentary Lifestyle

According to research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, just 20-25 minutes of physical activity each day may be enough to offset the increased risk of death from a sedentary lifestyle.But higher daily tallies of physical activity are linked to a lower risk, irrespective of the amount of time spent seated every day, the findings show.In developed nations, adults spend a

Brits spend more time on toilette than exercising, study shows

Brits spend twice as long on the toilet each week as they spend exercising, according to a new poll.
Incredibly, the average British adult whiles away three hours and nine minutes sitting on their loo every week, but just 90 minutes exercising.
In fact, 26 per cent of people are active for 30 minutes or less every seven days.