Kocaeli University

İnönü vessel becomes hope in fight against mucilage in Marmara Sea

With no signs of mucilage and the reproduction of an endangered species, the submerged İnönü vessel has become a light of hope to experts that the Marmara Sea is "not dying."

The İnönü vessel, which was submerged in 2013 off the northwestern province of Kocaeli's Karamürsel district, was covered with heavy layers of mucilage in June 2021.

Excavation works in Bathonea reveal life traces dating back 800,000 years

Within the scope of Bathonea Antique Harbor excavation works, which started 12 years ago in Istanbul's Avcılar neighborhood, new and significant findings have come to light, according to the head of the excavations, Associate Professor Şengül Aydıngün from Kocaeli University.

CHP slams detention of academics over petition calling an end to operations

The main opposition party has strongly criticized a wave of detentions on academics who signed a petition calling upon the government to end military operations in the east and southeastern parts of the country, arguing the move came from President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an's instructions to the judiciary. 
