Claudio Ranieri

Leicester City in 'surreal dreamland' ahead of trip to title rival Arsenal

It's difficult to talk about Leicester City's remarkable season without slipping into cliché. So much is being written about our little unfashionable club that it is hard to find original words. For me it's also difficult to write objectively about the subject.

Ranieri meets success by learning from his failure with Greece

Claudio Ranieri, dismissed by Greece in November 2014, has revealed how he turned to Jurgen Klopp last Christmas after experiencing anguish. Following the defeat to the Faroe Islands Greece sacked the 64-year-old that led to heartbreak, but the Leicester manager watched Klopp coach Borussia Dortmund players at a sunshine camp during winter break.

Under-21 manager Tsanas to coach Greece vs Serbia

Greece named youth coach Costas Tsanas as interim coach of the senior national team on Sunday but there was no official confirmation yet of the sacking of Italian Claudio Ranieri.

The country's soccer federation (EPO) has effectively suspended Ranieri for the time being as both sides work out the financial settlement surrounding his 1.6 million-euro contract.

Ranieri goes after Greece's worst record in the century

By George Georgakopoulos

Two hours past midnight, and two and a half hours after Greece's humiliation by the Faroe Islands in Piraeus, the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO) announced its intention to see Italian manager Claudio Ranieri go, after he coached Greece to three defeats and one draw in four Euro 2016 qualifiers this fall.
