Vassil Terziev

Sofia Metro Employees Stage Strike Today

At 11 a.m. today, a demonstration initiated by metro employees commenced. The event is coordinated by the Federation of Transport Trade Unions affiliated with The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (KNSB). Workers assemble at the entrance of the "Serdika" metro station.

Currently, the action does not affect the normal operation of the metro.

Sofia Municipality Takes Action: Russian Flags Removed from City Boulevard

In response to an unauthorized display of Russian flags along "Tsarigradsko Shose", Sofia Municipality took decisive action to remove them promptly. Mayor Vassil Terziev announced on Saturday via his Facebook page that crews from the municipality had successfully removed the flags, which had been placed on light poles by unidentified individuals.

Sofia Mayor Unveils Plan for New Speed Cameras Across the City - See Where!

Sofia's Mayor, Vasil Terziev, has announced plans to enhance road safety in the capital by installing stationary speed control cameras at critical locations. Terziev shared the news on his Facebook profile, detailing the specific areas where the cameras will be deployed.

Seventh Attempt Fails: Sofia Municipal Council Struggles to Elect Chairman

In the latest setback for the Sofia Municipal Council, attempts to elect a chairman have faltered for the seventh time. The run-off vote featured Tsvetomir Petrov from the coalition "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB) - Spasi Sofia," securing 26 votes, while Diana Tonova, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) candidate, trailed with only 9 votes.

Public Transport Workers Stage Protest in Sofia Demanding Pay Hike and Better Conditions

In a move to advocate for better working conditions and a 30% pay increase, the Federation of Transport Unions (FTU) initiated a protest action in Sofia on Thursday. The demonstration, organized in collaboration with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, resulted in disruptions to several bus and trolleybus services.

Sofia City Council Delays Chairperson Election Again, Looming Threat of New Local Elections

Once more, the election of the leader for the Sofia Municipal Council faces a postponement, creating uncertainty about the city's local governance. The decision to delay the vote until January 25 was reached during the Thursday session, with the expectation that ongoing discussions might result in a consensus on who will chair the Municipal Council.
