
Emir Kusturica Arrived in Crimea for a Concert

The well-known Serbian director Emir Kusturica arrived today on the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia from Ukraine, to give a concert with his group "Smoking forbidden".They will play together in Yalta.

"I know there are wonderful landscapes and pretty girls in Yalta," he told journalists on his arrival at the regional capital, Simferopol, quoted by RIA Novosti.

Russia-Crimea Bridge Already under Construction

Russian construction workers are already building a bridge that will link mainland Russia to the Crimean peninsula which the country incorporated last year.

The news was first announced by a Crimean association called "Simferopol" (the administrative center of Crimea) which posted pictures of the works on Facebook.

Turkey, Russia seek 'legitimate' route to Crimea for Turkish delegation

An unofficial Turkish delegation is set to visit Crimea to examine alleged human rights violations against Crimean Tatars, but the visit is being delayed until Ankara and Moscow can determine a route for the commission so that Turkey does not imply recognition of Russian control of the peninsula.

Bulgaria's Ataka Party to Seek Parliamentary Recognition of Crimea Referendum

Bulgaria's opposition Ataka party will propose to Parliament to recognize the results of Crimea's referendum to join Russia, RIA Novosti has reported.

The Russian news service quoted Ataka leader Volen Siderov as saying on Friday the party "recognizes the referendum and Crimea as a part of the Russian Federation."
