Twelve Olympians

Bulgaria’s "St. Cyricus" Island Yields Third Ancient Temple, Unveiling Apollonia’s Sacred Past

A significant archaeological discovery has been made on the island of "St. Cyricus" in Sozopol, Bulgaria, where a third temple from the era of the first settlers of Apollonia has been unearthed. This new find was revealed by the excavation team led by Associate Professor Krastina Panayotova.

The gods must be angry: Mexico ‘cancels’ statue of Greek god Poseidon after dispute with local deity

The gods must be angry - or just laughing at the hubris of humanity.

Authorities in Mexico have slapped a "closure" order on a 3-meter-tall aquatic statue of the Greek god of the sea Poseidon that was erected in May in the Gulf of Mexico just off the town of Progreso, Yucatan.

Hike on Mount Olympus with one click! (amazing trekking!)

Most of us have probably seen those “people are awesome” videos circulating on the web, where intrepid daredevils showcase their skills in far off places from around the globe. Imagine being on the peak of the Olympian gods of ancient Greece! Well, let’s be honest, not all of us are cut out for those types of outdoors activities.

German show “Die Anstalt”: Zeus meets Troika (funny video)

German ZDF’s comedy show “Die Anstalt” appears to be on a role when it comes to supporting Greece with yet another sketch of the crisis. This time, the ancient king of Greek gods Zeus, is scrutinized by three men, supposedly the Troika of Greece’s international creditors, who believe that Zeus is overspending.

Amphipolis tomb mosaic depicts abduction of Persephone, say archaeologists

A splendid mosaic revealed by archaeologists excavating a massive tomb on Kasta Hill in Ancient Amphipolis in northern Greece on Sunday, depicts the abduction of Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, by the god of the underworld, archaeologists said on Thursday.