
Iran: 16-year-old girl commits suicide after being threatened with expulsion for dancing without a hijab

The shocking news of the suicide of a 16-year-old girl in Iran who ended her life after being threatened with expulsion when she was recorded dancing without wearing a hijab – days after the story of the Iranian student who stayed in her underwear to protest, was arrested and brutally abused.

Erdogan to inaugurate Balkans’ largest mosque in Tirana

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Tirana, Albania, on Thursday to attend the inauguration of the Namazgah Mosque, the largest in the Balkans. 

The mosque, built in Ottoman style with four 35-meter minarets, began construction in 2015. It will also house a cultural center, library, exhibition hall, conference room, "museum of coexistence," and a Quran school.

Authorities scramble to contain youth violence

Recent highly publicized episodes of violence among schoolchildren have authorities - government officials, teachers, judges, even the Church - scrambling to deal with the problem and keep it from spreading further.

There is much official talk about more severe penalties and sending parents of violent students to prison.
