El País

Attacks on Several Churches in Southern Spain, there are Killed and Injured

Spanish police have detained a man who carried out attacks with cold weapons in several churches in Algeciras in the south of the country, "El Pais" reported.

At the moment it is known that one person was killed and several were injured ("El Mundo" reports of four).

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy: We will not Allow Catalan Independence to Happen

The Spanish government will not allow the unilateral declaration of independence by the Catalan authorities to become a reality, in an interview with the El País newspaper Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. He pointed out that Madrid may use the constitution if the separation is announced, BNR reported.

One person confirmed dead, at least 32 injured in Barcelona attack: Police

At least one person is confirmed to have died after a van mowed down pedestrians in Barcelona city center and 32 people were injured, 10 of them seriously, Catalan police and the regional interior ministry said.
Other media including El Pais said there were at least 10 dead.

A police spokeswoman could not immediately confirm the number of casualties. 

Spain to Hold Early Election in June amid Political Deadlock

Spanish King Felipe VI has announced no new candidate will be put forward as Prime Minister, paving the way for early elections.

Parliament will be dissolved on May 03, and a snap vote will be held on June 26, local media report.

The legislature's lower house would not provide enough support for any new Prime Minister candidate, the King believes.

Migrant crisis threatens EU's "functioning and purpose"

The head of French diplomacy Laurent Fabius said the refugee crisis called into question the functioning and purpose of Europe.

"Europe has experienced other crises. But this one, somehow, has called into question its reason for being and its very functioning," Fabius said in an interview for the dailies Le Figaro, La Tribune de Geneve, El Pais, La Repubblica, and Le Soir.

Meteoric rise of 'party of the Indignants' shakes up politics in crisis-hit Spain

A far-left party set up only in January is surging in Spain's opinion polls ahead of next year's general election, feeding off anger over corruption and unemployment, and shaking up the traditional two-party system.

Podemos, which means "We Can" in Spanish, took first place in a survey of voting intentions for the first time on Nov. 2.