Flood defences reinforcement along Sava in Sabac underway

SABAC - The situation at the flood defense walls along the River Sava in the city of Sabac, western Serbia, is under control, and the sandbag walls are being reinforced by placing geotextile and ballast at their base, the Serbian Defense Ministry said in a release Thursday.

Since defence walls in neighboring countries failed when the waters were receding after staying high for days, the emergency headquarters in Sabac, headed by Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic, made a decision to carry out preparations for a possible setting up of a second line of defense in the city.

The material for the construction of the walls will be stored in carriages at the city’s railway station, from where it is easiest to distribute it along the defense line.

Health protection of the population will be a priority for the staff of the emergency center in Sabac, and sanitary inspectors will look to see what the situation is like at facilities opened as reception centers and in schools today.

If all goes well, classes in schools could begin on Monday.

Sanitary inspectors will step up the control of sale of fresh vegetable at green markets.

Aerial mosquitoe spraying will also start in the city today.

Expert services have removed dead animals from sites reported to have them, and the operations to clean the terrain will continue.

An increased number of samples is being taken to conduct quality control of the water from the municipal water supply in Sabac and it has been found to be completely safe for human consumption, says the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Photo Tanjug/S. Ilic

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