Two opinion polls put SYRIZA ahead of ND

Two new opinion polls on voting intentions for European Parliament elections show leftist opposition SYRIZA ahead of New Democracy by 2.5-3.2 percent.

A Public Issue survey for Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper put the leftists on 30 percent against 27.5 percent for the conservatives.

The center-left Olive Tree (Elia) alliance came in third on 8.5 percent, followed by the neofascist Golden Dawn on 8 percent. The Communist Party (KKE) and centrist newcomers To Potami (The River) were both on 6.5 percent. The right-wing, anti-bailout Independent Greeks party was on 3 percent and Democratic Left (DIMAR) on 2.5 percent.

Meanwhile, a Metron Analysis poll for Antenna TV also put SYRIZA first with 24.2 percent and ND second on 21 percent. The poll showed To Potami on 6.8 percent, Golden Dawn on 6.7 percent, Elia on 6.5 percent and KKE on 3.2 percent. The Independent Greeks were on 2.8 percent and Democratic Left on 2 percent.

European Parliament elections are held on Sunday on the same day as the second round of the country's municipal and regional vote.

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