Festival of organic production opens in Belgrade

BELGRADE - The two-day festival of organic production, under the slogan "Buy organic food - be friendly to yourself and your environment", was opened in Belgrade on Saturday.

The Festival was opened at the market plateau in New Belgrade's Block 44 by head of the public utility enterprise Belgrade City Markets Predrag Veinovic and president of the executive board of National Association for Organic Production Serbia Organica, Nada Miskovic.

The goal of the event is to raise awareness about the qualities of organic produce, the health benefits of its consumption, specificities of the production, control and certification.

The award presented to Belgrade City Markets at the trade fair dedicated to organic production and healthy lifestyles Bio Balkan 2013, for opening the first market for organic food in Serbia, is a proof of its success, noted Veinovic.

The festival of organic production is organized by Belgrade City Markets and Serbia Organica, with the backing of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Photo Beoinfo

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