Bozovic expects Ivanovic trial to begin soon

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Ksenija Bozovic, vice-president of the Citizens' Initiative (GI) "Serbia, Democracy, Justice" (SDP), voiced the expectation on Monday that the trial of GI SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic would begin soon, so that he could prove his innocence.

At a press conference in Kosovska Mitrovica, Bozovic said that Ivanovic's defense team submitted all the necessary documentation before the deadline, September 26.

"I expect that the court will schedule the trial very soon, and thus enable the defense team and our leader to begin proving his innocence. I expect the EULEX judges and prosecutors to ensure a fair trial," Bozovic said.

GI SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic has been accused of war crime against the civilian population in Kosovo in 1999, for which he can face from five years to life in prison.

The indictment, presented by Head of Kosovo's Special Prosecution Office (SPRK) Jonathan Ratel at the first hearing, notes that Ivanovic, as a member of the Serb paramilitary police unit incited a group of subordinate members of paramilitary forces to war crimes against civilians on April 14, 1999.

The indictment also notes that Ivanovic ordered the killing of 10 Kosovo Albanians, four of whom were murdered with firearms by unidentified members of the paramilitary police forces that were under Ivanovic's control.

Photo Tanjug Video, camera operator Dejan Simicevic

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