No call for more games

Psychological warfare has been a part of the negotiations between the troika and Athens from the very start of the crisis. But the situation is much different now and troika decision-makers should not forget their own share of responsibility.

Greece has come so far thanks to the sacrifices of its people and the efforts of the government – albeit with certain failures and omissions. With the support of our partners and despite mistakes in the policy mix, much has improved since 2012. Greece is still in the eurozone and the first, faint signs of recovery are evident. But six years of recession and austerity have left deep wounds.

Angela Merkel, Mario Draghi and Christine Lagarde must realize that this is not solely a case of numbers and ideas. It’s about the fate of a nation and Europe’s ability to manage a serious crisis. When a country has made such an effort to stand on its feet no one has the right to experiment with its people’s and political system’s limits.

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